Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blisters contained by my feeler..What's is it?

Ok So I've been sick adjectives week coughing,runny nose, itchy runny eyes, the works!! I've been blowing my antenna alot this week and now I own little blisters in one of my nostrils I guess it's call the septum?..Anyway these blisters are itchy and a little prickly they look gross kinda like a restlessness blister in my muzzle.What are the blisters? I've never had blisters within my nose past. Is it from excessive blowing and wiping my muzzle? Will they spread if they pop? Help me so I can stop freaking out.Blisters contained by my feeler..What's is it?
it's from rubbing and blowing your nose. they'll move about away when you start to feel better
Does it itch?
It could be be Impetigo.
muzzle blisters..I must tell you though that I am not a doctor.
Okay. Stop freaking out. If you're using Nasonex, stop it. Al that does is result in a bloody nose and sore throat. Try using vaseline twice a daylight. And don't pick! Hopefully that'll clear it up in 2-3 days. If not, time for the ol' doc.
yea i procure those too wut i do to make them shift away faster is take a syringe and scratch it and the puss will come out later it will dry up and feel better=) they dont spread

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