Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bone Marrow Donors?

Is it possible that a sibling with equal father but different mothers could have a positive clash so that a sister may donate bone marrow to another. the mothers are of different ethnicities (not sure if this helps)... one is black the other is hispanic... it makes one child a hispanic-black mix and the other black.
I've hear this is not possible at adjectives that the children must have duplicate parents.Bone Marrow Donors?
The Doctor will do a test to see if satisfactory of the genes are similar before even doing the transplant. It is better if the nation are closer rlated, but there are society who donate to strangers all the time.
lone thing to do is to return with tested.
it is possible. but the chance is smaller quantity if they are not from the same father and mother. beside that being said, there's still a uncertainty. wanna find out?? go win tested.

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