Friday, October 22, 2010

Bumps on fingers?

i know that its not and STD or anything bc ive been checked for that just this minute. but sometimes i get little itchy bumps that i cant truly pop (ew) and that clear puss comes out of them. (on my index finger)
my friend has picked her fingers to destruction bc of this but i actually go to her house and it seemed approaching 1 minute after i went to her house they flared up out of no where on earth... i dont get them normally at all i just this minute got them but it be just a few.
anyone own this? lol is it just something i own to deal near.
PS she has 11 small dogs. could this do it? or be contagious within a way bc her fingers look a bit horrible at times where on earth shes got into the habbit of picking them. her sister and her mom doesnt enjoy it though.
its a little creepyBumps on fingers?
This sounds approaching an allergy. Yes like the others voice go see a doc to confirm.
No it is not scabes.they are commonly call crabs and a sexually transmitted parasite.
And it is not a staph infection either.
Unlikely to be wart as they usually do not "pop" they are hard tumor-like surrounded by that they have ball of cells within out of control growth.
See a dermatologist or a allergist.
could only just be simple planters warts that population get on the hand or feet.
welll...sounds close to staph infection..and.may be MRSA,which means,resistant to most medicine....see a doc,get a culture,and jump from there...dutiful luck.....
see your dr. it could be scabes-they tend to start on the hands and fingers first
A doctor would hold the best answer but the next best place would be a pharmacist here maybe a over the counter cream or something for it.My guess would be
that it may be a wart or a eczema obedient luck

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