Friday, October 22, 2010

Can a mannish (with HPV) have unproctected sex confer it to a womanly and not to another?

Can a mannish (with HPV) have unproctected sex confer it to a womanly and not to another?
Yes. Also the other female could clutch a while to be symptomatic. HPV can hide for a highly long time.
Yes he can I learned that at the doctor the other year and some other std facts.
YES, happened to me. ex give it to me and not his ex...usually when the virus lays dormant in your system it's smaller quantity to spread and even when the virus is active most folks don't have symptoms to be exact why it spread so easily.
yes. some women enjoy already encountered and fought stale a certain strain of the virus, and that make them immune to that strain. perhaps the woman who didn't draw from it was immune to that strain.
another belief is that it hasn't shown up in her all the same, because it can hide and darken for so long. she may find out 10 years from now- really- that she has hpv.
Yes, although, I'm sure it is intensely unlikely because HPV is very contagious.

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